Cordoncillo Negro from Jamaica

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Sale price $15.00
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Cordoncillo negro relieves coughs, soothes throat when battling dry cough, expels mucus from the respiratory tract. Expel gas, kills germs, bacteria, viruses, gonnorrhea, syphilis other sexual transmitted diseases, helps with healing wounds faster, and helps with vomiting.

Cordoncillo Negro aka Matico (botanical name: Piper aduncum) is powerhouse herb that was lauded by the late Dr Sebi because of its many health benefits. It is native to Jamaica where we harvest it from the untouched wild forests where it grows naturally.

Cordoncillo negro has many health benefits of such healing colds, flu, it has antibacterial properties, healing wounds by chewing the leaves and applying on infected area, kidney stones, and liver health, treats sexually transmitted diseases, internal bleeding, and digestive issues.

Cordoncillo has a variety of traditional uses, including disinfecting wounds, treating respiratory illnesses, stopping blood hemorrhages, and treating gallstones. Since the 1800s, the plant has become known globally as a hemostatic (to control/stop bleeding) and as an astringent for cuts.

Hand Picked & Air Dried in Jamaica

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